About Us


Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love, and in endurance -Titus 2:2

What a goal for our lives whether we are men or women. Don’t you want your life to reflect the character of God because our faith expresses itself in a life of self-control.

This work of the Spirit in our lives happens only as we dedicate ourselves to being what He is at work trying to accomplish in us.

Pastor Solomon Omoniyi (Resident Pastor, MFM House of Prayer – Rhode Island)

Tel: +1 (401) 390-4093

Email: pastorsolomon@mfmri1.org

Meet our Pastors

We welcome you to The Redeemed Christian Church of God Chapel of Glory, Ajax – a place where God answers prayers. We are a family oriented church with a special focus on youths & children’s spiritual, moral & physical development. We strongly believe that families are the bedrock and foundation of any community and therefore if the foundation is built right, every other stone that is placed on it shall surely stand. No wonder the bible says in Psalm 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? It is our prayer that your foundation and those of your family members shall not be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Victor & Patience Erhabor.